In today's much-advanced Medical World, almost all the medium and major surgeries require a Compulsory X-RAY Test. There was a desperate request from the community asking us to provide the X-RAY facility at a low cost rate.
This latest advanced equipment is very useful in detecting lesions in Brain, orbits, temporal bones, paranasal sinuses, pituitary fossa, chest, neck, abdomen., spine and extremities (Plain and contrast studies).
X-RAY is also conducted at our centre. Only non-ionic contrast media is used in our centre.
A complete Medkit for you
Suriyaa Diagnostic Centre is now a well set diagnostic centre catering to all the basic diagnostic needs of the community around us. It is very heartening to note that patients are coming from far off places to avail our services.
This is not only because of affordable rates but also because our high quality and pleasant treatment.
Suriyaa Diagnostic Centre is now a well set diagnostic centre catering to all the basic diagnostic needs of the community around us. It is very heartening to note that patients are coming from far off places to avail our services.
Specilized Checkup available
We also provide all the range of tests for cardiac patients, kidney transplant patients and pregnant ladies. The air-conditioned Lab is fully equipped with Automated Haematology analyzers, Automated Urine analyzers, Auto Chemistry analyzers, Chemiluminescent Hormone analyzers to name a few.
This is not only because of affordable rates but also because our high quality and pleasant treatment.
We also provide all the range of tests for cardiac patients, kidney transplant patients and pregnant ladies. The air-conditioned Lab is fully equipped with Automated Haematology analyzers, Automated Urine analyzers, Auto Chemistry analyzers, Chemiluminescent Hormone analyzers to name a few.
Get well soon with our treatment
Suriyaa Diagnostic Centre has captured mindset of people by providing 100% quality services. The Objective have been achieved by :
---> World class equipments.
---> High quality re-agents.
---> Strict internal and external quality control programmes.
---> Well qualified and dedicated professional.
---> Latest technology to world standard.
---> Courteous and responsible staff members.